Rodeo Name:SDRA Membership Rodeo
Rodeo Location:Sioux Falls, SD
Rodeo Dates:March 19-20, 2016
Entries Open:3/11/2016 12:00:00 AM
Entries Close:3/14/2016 8:00:00 PM
Added Purse:$250; MTR-$250/Team; SMB-$750; BAR-$500; LBW-$750
Entry Fees:$50
Day Money:$5.50
Gate Fee:N/A
Stock Fee:$15.00
Contractor:Lazy S, Belkham, Kosel
Judges:C.Sundemann, D.Wilking
Secretary:Merretta Anderson
Contact Phone:605-466-2341
Comments:Maximum of 12 runs per event in performances; TP will be before Sat. performance; GT, 040CR and MTR during slack; Tri-State Horse Admission = $10
1. Sat, Mar. 19 2016 6:00PMCST 
2SA. Sat, Mar. 19 2016 8:00PMCSTSlack After Perf W/ GT/MTR/O40CR
3S. Sun, Mar. 20 2016 9:30AMCSTSlack w/GT/MTR/40CR
4. Sun, Mar. 20 2016 1:00PMCST 

Approved Associations:

Internet entries are open from 12AM MDT Friday through 8PM MDT Monday at
Telephone entries are open from 12PM MDT Monday through 8PM MDT Monday at 605-374-7754